Beating Brutal Brute Tigrex

In the style of a regular Tigrex subspecies, they get more and more 'dangerous' this one however, is painted grey and roars a lot loader, so just imagine a female Tigrex with hunter issues (H A H A H A, don't take it too seriously, most of this monster's aren't usually portrayed with genders). Though as of recent, Brute Tigrex has been losing her image by having regular Tigrex's have a strong roar that knocks you back very far. Same attacks regular Tigrex does, but adds in an occaisional roar. Oh, she does do a windup claw stompy around thing that releases a big ol' AOE roar that hurts. Her little stomping around does deal damage to you, though regularily you can hide behind Brutrex to ignore the roar's damage, but not the roar effects. Charges, body twirls, and flying around like some sort of tiiiger... Graceful as an elephant, Brutrex smashes your health bar but is pretty much just a Tigrex subspecies.